Nutritional Supplements

Springhouse Turtle Eats logo green tirtle with green flower on its back inside the black outline of a house

It’s difficult to get all the nutrients you need from food. That’s why everyone in our family takes supplements recommended by our nutritionist. If you can find a nutritionist near you who’s certified by the American College of Nutrition, you’re in luck.  The ACN does not accept contributions from the food industry, which makes their recommendations unbiased.

Fresh fruits and vegetables, lean, grass-fed meats, healthy fats, nuts and seeds and some dairy, if tolerated, should be the foundation of a healthy diet. Grains and sugars should be eaten in moderation.

The supplements our family takes include cod liver oil, magnesium, multi-vitamins, vitamin D3, vitamin C and others. Consult a licensed nutritionist for advice because supplements can be dangerous if taken in the wrong doses or if you have certain food intolerances. Exercise caution when purchasing nutritional supplements, as quality can vary significantly. I only buy supplements recommended by our nutritionist.

Please note: I am a mom and a home cook, not a medical professional. Nothing in this blog is meant to advise you about how to treat any medical condition or disease. If you need help dealing with an illness or medical condition, please seek advice from a licensed medical professional.

Springhouse Turtle Eats