Salads/ Side Dishes/ Summer

Sweet Potato Salad with Scallions and Lime Vinaigrette

sweet potato salad with lime vinaigrett and scallinos in a glass bowl on a red white and blue striped cloth

I forgot to buy white potatoes this 4th of July, so I was stuck at home with a dilemma. Should I run out and buy white potatoes for our traditional potato salad in the middle of our holiday preparations? Or should I make a salad with sweet potatoes?

I elected for the latter, and I’m glad I did. I peeled and diced the sweet potatoes, and then simmered them in salted water. I sliced up a couple scallions and made a lime vinaigrette. I tossed the potatoes in the vinaigrette and scallions, and put the salad in the fridge to allow the flavors to blend.

The tart lime and crunch of the scallions contrast nicely with the soft texture of the sweet potatoes. You don’t have to peel sweet potatoes, but I usually do because sweet potato skins can be tough. Sweet potatoes are more nutritious than white potatoes and their natural sweetness makes them crowd pleasers. Sweet potato salad has joined our picnic menu!

Springhouse Turtle Eats

Sweet Potato Salad with Scallions and Lime Vinaigrette

By Springhouse Turtle Serves: 8
Prep Time: 40 minutes Cooking Time: 8-12 minutes Total Time: 50 minutes

Tart lime vinaigrette, crunchy scallions and soft sweet potatoes combine into a cool summer salad.


  • 4 large sweet potatoes, peeled and cubed
  • Salted water for boiling potatoes
  • 2 large scallions, sliced (green and white parts)
  • 3 tablespoons fresh lime juice
  • 1/2 teaspoon brown mustard
  • 2 tablespoons grated ginger
  • 1/2 teaspoon salt
  • 1/8 teaspoon pepper
  • 2 tablespoons coconut nectar
  • 1 teaspoon stevia liquid
  • 1 teaspoon rice vinegar
  • 1/2 teaspoon sesame oil
  • 1/2 cup olive oil



Bring a large pot of filtered water to a boil.


Add 2 teaspoons salt when the water boils.


Drop in the potatoes, and return the pot to a boil.


Turn down the heat and simmer for 8-12 minutes, until the potatoes are tender, but not mushy.


Drain the potatoes in a colander, and rinse with cold water. Set aside.


In a small bowl, mix mustard, ginger, salt, pepper, coconut nectar, stevia and rice vinegar


Whisk in the sesame oil.


In a slow stream, whisk in the olive oil.


Put potatoes and vinaigrette into a medium bowl and toss until the potatoes are thoroughly coated.


Refrigerate for at least two hours before serving.

Lime juice and scallions add tartness and crunch to sweet potato salad.

sliced scallions and lime halves on a wood board

Mix a vinaigrette of lime juice and olive oil, and stir in the scallions. Toss with sweet potatoes, and refrigerate for at least 2 hours.

lime vinaigrette with scallions in a glass bowl with a wire wisk

Sweet potatoes with lime and scallions are an alternative to traditional picnic potato salad.

sweet potato salad with lime and scallions in a glass bowl

Springhouse Turtle Eats


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